Platanus acerifolia 'Morton Circle'

EXCLAMATION!™ London planetree


EXCLAMATION! London planetree is a large deciduous tree with peeling bark and lobed medium green leaves that turn yellow and brown in fall.  Flowers a non-showy and followed by fuzzy long-stalked seedheads. Grows best in full sun and rich, moist well-drained soils.  EXCLAMATION! drops fewer seedheads and is resistant to frost cracking, powdery mildew, and anthracnose.




55' - 65'


20- ' 40'



USDA Hardiness Zone: 

4 - 8


Full Sun

Bloom Color: 

Green(male), Red(female)

Season of Interest: 


MAINTENANCE NEEDS:  High Maintenance.  Water regularly. A messy tree with leaf, bark and fruit litter.  Cankerstain is a concern that can be fatal. Anthracnose, leaf spot, canker, and powdery mildew may occur.  Pests include Japanese beetles, borers, scale, and mites.

LANDSCAPE USES: Specimen or mass plantings, Naturalized Areas,  Shade Tree, and Screening.

COMPANION PLANTS: Hosta, Coral Bells, Hydrangea

IMAGES: (Leaves) Ladislav LuppaPlatanus acerifolia - City Park in Lučenec (3)CC BY-SA 3.0, (Autumn Leaves) WarburgPlatanus leavesCC BY-SA 3.0, (Young Tree) LBM1948Sierra de la Demanda 02CC BY-SA 4.0, (Mature Tee) Taken by FanghongPlatanusAcerifoliaTrunkCC BY-SA 3.0, (Bark) SynezisPlatanus × acerifolia - Platan kora (7)CC BY-SA 4.0

*As plants have ranges in appearance they may not appear as the images shown