Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy'

Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud


Forest Pansy is a small popular native deciduous tree with multiple trunks and a rounded crown.  The leaves emerge scarlet-purple before maturing to maroon and enjoy a varied fall color of reddish-purple to orange.  The heavy profusion of rosy-pink flowers blooms on bare branches in early spring before the foliage comes in attracting butterflies.  Prefers partial sun and rich well-drained soils with consistent moisture.  Tolerates deer and Black Walnuts.




15’ - 20’ 


20’ - 25’



USDA Hardiness Zone: 

5 - 9


Full SunPart Sun

Bloom Color: 


Season of Interest: 


MAINTENANCE NEEDS: Low maintenance.  Canker can be a significant disease problem. Various diseases and pests and be prevented with regular watering and pruning of dead branches. Does not transplant well, plant when young and leave undisturbed.

LANDSCAPE USES: Specimen or mass plantings, BordersNaturalized AreasWoodland Garden, Wildlife GardensScreeningShade Tree, and Street Tree. 

COMPANION PLANTS: Witch HazelHydrangeaJapanese Forest Grass

IMAGES: Photo by Tim Sheerman-Chase, Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy', (2) Famartin2021-04-10 18 42 59 Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud blooming along Cobra Drive in the Chantilly Highlands section of Oak Hill, Fairfax County, VirginiaCC BY-SA 4.0, (3) Famartin2021-04-20 12 17 33 Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud new leaves and flowers along Stone Heather Drive in the Chantilly Highlands section of Oak Hill, Fairfax County, VirginiaCC BY-SA 4.0, (4) Jean-Pol GRANDMONTCercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' JPG1AcCC BY-SA 3.0, (5) Jean-Pol GRANDMONTCercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' JPG1FeCC BY-SA 3.0

*As plants have ranges in appearance they may not appear as the images shown.